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Hey guys this review is for a webtoon called "SKI", by RE ME. This webtoon stands out to me not because of the art but because it has  no words. Just like the description of the story says "no words, just feels", and I would like to believe I felt what they were trying  to bring across. It's a short webtoon with 12 chapters that aren't necessarily long but not short also,  it's a just right kind of feeling. It can be viewed in under 20 minutes  and I say viewed because there  are no words but it took me way longer  because  I wanted to understand the story the creator was trying to convey. There are two main characters that the artist centres the comic around but they have no names, so I named them Kyle and Calypso and you can give them the names you want as well. It seems at first that the two main characters are friends and the male main character is leaving and she wants to confess to him before he leaves. Well that's what I thought. Without words am sure someone can interpret the story in a different way and that's what I really like about the story.

  The art made me feel like I was watching a high end anime. It reminded me of a silent voice or kimi no wa, both anime movies which I highly recommend people watch. Every colour was perfect, every panel moved the webtoon alone so well and so fluidly and I simply loved that about the story. The colours were bright and warm, the story was heartfelt and easily relatable until the end and the value speaks for itself when you see the first panel of the webtoon. If you want to read something short and worth while then check out "SKI  by RE ME". You can get it through this link: or on the webtoon app.

Disclaimer: I do not own the art or rights to any of the art and all credit goes to the artist. If you have any manga, webtoon or anime you want me to review then you can ask in the comments section below. And if you like it then leave a like and if you want more then subscribe to my blog.


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