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My Dear Cold Blooded Prince

Hey guys, this is a review for a ongoing webtoon called "My Dear Cold Blooded Prince" also known as one of the reasons why I love Sundays, by lifelight. It currently has 65 episodes and currently updates every Sunday, it's also labelled under romance but there is enough drama to make your blood pressure go sky high. The main story line is about a young strong woman called Mei, who has a very righteous and no nonsense attitude, a person who stands up for those in  need no matter ow dumb or dangerous it might be. She gets her strength from hard work and her brother who we find out is dead... or is he? The kingdom /Mei live in is ran by the blood king, a ruthless murderer who cares little about human life, well at least so he is portrayed by stories because no one has actually seen his real face. Many events pass and Mei finds herself in trouble, yet again but ends up saving a young boy who turns out to be a royal, she is then invited to the castle to work in the medical wing. After more trouble and stubbornness, she becomes betrothed to the cold hearted king with no face. There are other characters of course and many other side stories like Mei wanting to find out what happened to her brother or at least the cause of death because no body was discovered. Every time she thinks she knows why, she is knocked 12 steps back and thrown off course, even though her brother was a simple soldier for the blood king. I am obsessed with this webtoon and the romance makes me giggles like a 12 year old child (no shame in admitting it at all). Good luck with the shipping situation in this fellow webtoon reader because I ship everyone with everyone, just like in BTS. If you want a webtoon to devour your time and theory skills then this is a webtoon for you.You can check it out in the webtoon app or  through this link right :here .

The art in this webtoon is exceptional, that's pretty much it, the art is perfect to me. Since the first episode to now the art has grown so much and very noticeable to the avid reader. I hope you falling love with this webtoon as I have and enjoy it as much as I have as well.I also look forward to more chapters by this author.

 Disclaimer: I do not own the art or rights to any of the art and all credit goes to the artist. If you have any manga, webtoon or anime you want me to review then you can ask in the comments section below and if you like it then leave a like and if you want more then subscribe to my blog.


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