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My boo

Hey guys this review is for a webtoon called "My Boo". The webtoon revolves around two main characters Yuri So and Jun, there are other characters that give support to the story and are relatable at times. Yuri So is a translator who does alot of freelance work, not only because she's a shut in but because  she can see ghosts. She sees them as a burden because they always want  something from her, so to make her life easier her  parents told her to pretend they don't exist (smart idea right). Yet after a very bad experience with a ghost at a very young age, she took her  parents advice and pretended they were imaginary and made no eye contact with them. She moves into an apartment alone in her  late 20's, she  plans on living there for a year before  she  leaves the country to study English further but her  plans take a detour as she meets Jun. Jun is a ghost that died in the house at the age of 20 that is currently haunting the apartment. After ignoring him for what seems to be an eternity one day she slips up and after a couple conversations they become roommates..... so to speak.

The author of the webtoon is Jeongseo and consist of 47 chapters which ended early 2017. "My Boo", shows the importance of standing up for oneself and not running from one bad past experience and generalizing it for every thing. Understanding a person's point of  view towards a situation instead of jumping to conclusions and looking deeper at a person's exterior reaction and not fully thinking about their feelings towards the matter. Another topic that comes up is physical contact in a relationship and communication, the shyness or embarrassment that comes with expressing the feelings you can't explain yourself. Jeongseo does an amazing job at conveying those emotions and topics, some in a subtle way and others in a way that had me choking on my emotions. Also personal greed, not only for a possession but for a emotion that some one may think they deserve. Contradictory to the usual ghosts in other stories, ghosts cannot leave the place they die and if they do they disappear and they have no paranormal power. More  of the features of ghosts are explained in the webtoon so if you want to know more  then check it out from this link:  or you can search for it on the webtoon app

The art was simplistic, not saying that the art wasn't anything short of amazing but it isn't as flashy as most webtoon art that you see in the drama category. The colors are darker than usual yet it brings a certain warmth to the webtoon. If you want to have a semi slow paced story about a human and a ghost cohabit, then check it out.

Disclaimer: I do not own the art or rights to any of the art and all credit goes to the artist. If you have any manga, webtoon or anime you want me to review then you can ask in the comments section below. And if you like it then leave a like and if you want more then subscribe to my blog. 


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